As a result of the analysis, key themes will appear, and strategic options emerge for partners to decide upon.
It is important to create an environment where partners can focus on planning and not their day to day; to spend time openly discussing the challenges and opportunities that emerge and making the important decisions that will form the way forward for the firm.
For this reason, this stage is conducted off site by way of workshop which I facilitate. The workshop stage can be an excellent opportunity for partners to agree upon a common vision and strategy for the firm which can bring the partnership together, resulting in partners collaborating and all rowing in the same direction towards an agreed vision.
As a result of the analysis, key themes will appear, and strategic options emerge for partners to decide upon.
It is important to create an environment where partners can focus on planning and not their day to day; to spend time openly discussing the challenges and opportunities that emerge and making the important decisions that will form the way forward for the firm.
For this reason, this stage is conducted off site by way of workshop which I facilitate. The workshop stage can be an excellent opportunity for partners to agree upon a common vision and strategy for the firm which can bring the partnership together, resulting in partners collaborating and all rowing in the same direction towards an agreed vision.